V:MP Commands List

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Account commands

  • /changepass [new password] - To change your account password.
  • /changenick [new nickname] - To change your account nickname at a city hall.
  • /country - To disable your country login location.

Help commands

  • /ask - To send your question to all available admins or to request help from any of them.
  • /help - To display a GUI with an amount of information around the server.
  • /rules - To display the server rules
  • /commands - To display a shortened version of commands
  • /policehelp - To display the rules of police work
  • /crimehelp - To display the rules for criminals
  • /newjob - To display a list of jobs and how to get them
  • /jobcommands - To display a list of your current jobs commands
  • /accounthelp - To display a list of account-related commands
  • /carhelp - To display a list of car-related commands
  • /househelp - To display a list of house-related commands
  • /bizhelp - To display a list of business-related commands
  • /phonehelp - To display a list of phone commands.
  • /cbhelp - To display a list of CB-related commands
  • /misc - To display a list of miscellaneous commands

Chat commands

  • /chatmode main/local/cb - To set your default chat to one of the mode types.
  • /public (/p) text - To talk in the main chat (default)
  • /whisper (/w) text - To whisper in local chat
  • /say (/l) text - To talk in local chat
  • /shout (/s) text - To shout in local chat
  • /m text - To use megaphone in emergency vehicles
  • /me -To write a first-person action
  • /em -To write a third-person action
  • /pm player-ID text - To send a private message to a player
  • /radio (/r) text - To talk on job radio
  • /emergency (/e) -To talk on emergency radio

CB Commands

  • /joinchannel channel-number password - To join a channel with the specified number
  • /cb text - To talk in a channel
  • /setdefault CB CB-ID (ID in your inventory) - To set the default CB as another one. (If you have more than one.)
  • /devices - To display all available electronic devices in your inventory.

Phone Commands

  • /call phone-number - To call a number (after the phone was picked up, you can talk to it without using any command)
  • /pickup - To pick up an incoming call.
  • /hangup - To cancel an incoming call or a current ongoing call.
  • /setdefault phone phone-ID (ID in your inventory) - To set the default phone as to another one. (If you have more than one phone.)
  • /call 911 text - To alert firemen, medics, and police about an emergency situation.
  • /call mechanic - To call an online mechanic.
  • /devices - To display all available electronic devices in your inventory.

Police commands

  • /duty - To get on and off duty at a police station
  • /equip - To restore your duty weapons at a police station
  • /speed player-ID - To check player's speed
  • /m1, /m2, /m3 - To say predefined message in megaphone while in emergency vehicle
  • /suspect (/su) player-ID reason - To suspect someone, only lawbreakers are considered a valid crime
  • /crime player-ID - To display suspect's crime
  • /gued player-ID - To see if a criminal surrendered
  • /cuff player-ID - To cuff a criminal after he surrendered
  • /jail player-ID - To jail a cuffed criminal at a police station
  • /rank player-ID - To display player's law enforcement rank
  • /registration player-ID - To show the player's passport and driver license
  • /harvest - To destroy the weed in your inventory as an agent
  • /area player-id - to display suspects last known location

Medic commands

  • /medic - To go on and off medic duty at a hospital
  • /heal Medic-ID - To get heal from a medic.
  • /joinmission - To go on or off a mission (to complete a mission, go to the destination marked on the map and stay next to the NPCs for progress.)

Mechanic commands

  • /mechanic - To go on and off mechanic duty at a gas station
  • /equip - To get more gas cans.
  • /fillup mechanic-ID - To fill your vehicle with fuel
  • /wash mechanic-ID - To wash your vehicle ((CURRENTLY DISABLED))
  • /fixvehicle mechanic-ID- To fix your vehicle

Firefighter commands

  • /fireman - To go on and off firefight duty at a fire station
  • /joinmission - To go on or off a mission (to complete a mission, go to the destination marked on the map and stay next to the fires for progress.)

Newspaper Commands

  • To join the duty enter one of the bikes located at the newspaper station then go to the red marker.
  • /deliver - To deliver papers at the destinations marked on the map.

Trucker Commands

  • Take a truck and go to the red marker.
  • /cargos - To see the list of the available cargos that need to be delivered. (You must be at C-stations)
  • /cargo - To see the list of the loaded cargos into your van/truck.
  • /deliver - To deliver cargo at the destination.

Fisher Commands

No Commands are available for this job!

Criminal commands

  • /gu - To surrender to the police
  • /rhl - To see how long you have to run to evade the police
  • /grow - To grow a weed seed.
  • /harvest - To harvest a weed seed.
  • /l hi - To know the deal of the NPC.
  • /l Sell - To confirm the deal. (Weed will be taken from you and money will be given to you immediately.)
  • /deliver - To deliver "Concert Tickets" or "Mafia Tickets" to certain NPCs.
  • /buytraffic [weapon name] - To buy a weapon at a weapon dealer

Houses Commands

  • /buyproperty - To buy a house.
  • /sellproperty - To sell a house.
  • /sellproperty ID - To sell a property to another player.
  • /housename name - To set a house name
  • /property - To show a list of available options to use in your property such as items, invites, interior, name change..etc

Business Commands

  • /buybusiness - To buy a business
  • /sellbusiness - To sell a business normally.
  • /sellbusiness player-ID - To transfer your business to another player. ( you will not receive the value of the property back!)
  • /buystock - To show a list of Wholesalers available for you.
  • /bizname name - To set a business name
  • /bizmoney - To display the amount of money in a business
  • /bizmoney deposit amount - To deposit amount of money to your business.
  • /bizmoney withdraw amount - To withdraw the amount of money from your business.
  • /pricelist - To display a list of items sold at the business
  • /setprice item-name new-value - To Set the price of a certain item in your business.
  • /hire list - To show a list of current employees and their levels in your business.
  • /hire player-nick - To hire/fire a player to/from your business.
  • /employeerights player-nick Manager - To set a player as manager of your business.
  • /employeerights player-nick Standard - To set a player as a normal employee in your business.
  • /exportStock item-name amount destination-business-name - To export a stock of items from your business to another one.
  • /buy item - To buy an item from a business
  • /shop To get a GUI with shop's items to buy.

Retailer Business Commands

  • /buystock - To see the list of wholesalers you can buy from.
  • /buystock business-ID item amount - To purchase stock for a certain business.
  • /bizcargos - To show a list of the cargos that need to be delivered.
  • /pickcargo cargo-ID - To pick cargo to your van.
  • /deliver - To deliver the cargo to the destination.
  • /hirecarrier - To see the list of available carriers
  • /hirecarrier business-ID cargo ID - To hire a carrier that works on delivering cargos to your business.

Wholesaler Business Commands

  • /producelist - To show a list of all available items that can be produced in your business.
  • /producestock stock-name amount - To produce a stock of a certain item in your wholesaler.

Dealerships Commands

  • /markforsale price - To set a vehicle for sale.
  • /setvehicle price - To set a new price for the sales vehicle.

Garage System

  • /garage - To display a GUI to be able to store or load your personal vehicles either in a house.
  • /garagemode [all or personal] - To either allow your vehicle to be shared with all players invited in the house or to keep it personal
  • /garagepos - To mark the position of your garage spot to park on.

Vehicles commands

  • /fillup - To fill your vehicle with fuel at a gas station Or press SHIFT.
  • /fixvehicle - To fix your vehicle at a Ds.
  • /fixvehicle mechanic-ID - To fix your vehicle from another mechanic.
  • /towvehicle ModelName mechanic-ID - To tow your vehicle.
  • /carcolor - To display GUI with colors to choose.
  • /carcolor color-1 color-2 color-3 color-4 - To set your vehicle colors at a garage
  • /tune - To get a GUI with tunes items.
  • /extra [1-20] - To add extras for the vehicle, a GUI will appear.
  • /livery - To add liveries.
  • /purchaseinfo - To display the price of a sales vehicle
  • /getout - To leave a sales vehicle
  • /buyvehicle - To buy a vehicle
  • /sellvehicle - To sell a vehicle
  • /savecar - To save your vehicles spawn location, tunes, liveries, and color.
  • /carlock - To lock and unlock your vehicle; must be inside
  • /carlock ChannelNumber - To lock and unlock your vehicle to a certain CB channel according to its number.
  • /gps mycar - To get a red mark on your map for your vehicle's location.
  • /trasnfervehicle player-ID - To transfer your current vehicle to another player.
  • /retrievevehicle - To retrieve your vehicle from an impound.
  • /engine - To turn on/off your engine.
  • /doors - To control the doors, trunk, and hood of the vehicle.
  • /neon - To install neon into your vehicle and change the color.
  • /neon on/off - To turn on or off the neon of the vehicle.

Uncategorized commands

  • /admins - To display a list of online staff members
  • /col - To display a list of online COL Administrators
  • /dt - To display a list of online driving teachers
  • /lotto number - To purchase a lotto ticket
  • /ad text - To advertise your services
  • /enter - To enter an interior
  • /exit - To exit from an interior
  • /invent - To display your inventory
  • /trade player-ID - To show a GUI with items to trade with.
  • /accepttrade - To accept the trade.
  • /canceltrade - To cancel the trade and walk away.
  • /throwaway item-id- amount - To throw away an item from your inventory.
  • /myproperties - To check if you paid the taxes for your properties or not. (You must be near any Cityhall.)
  • /tutorial - To start a short journey through the jobs.
  • /stoptutorial - To stop the tutorial guides.
  • /gps - To get a shortlist of the marked locations in the GPS.
  • /gps bizname - To get a mark on your map to the shop.
  • /report player-ID Reason - To report a player to the administration
  • /joinrace - To join a scripted race. Only available when a manager+ enables it.
  • /exitrace - To exit from the race. You will spawn to your last location.
  • F5 - To display the current online players.
  • F6 - To hide chat and hud.
  • F7 - To enable Control Cruise.
  • F8 - To show/hide mouse cursor.