V:MP Houses and Garages

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Buying a house

  • Notes:
    • You can buy more than one house of different types; low, medium, and/or high class. However, you may NOT buy multiple houses in the same area. (Radius is measured).
    • You should possess a passport in order to purchase a property.
  • Find a property with a green marker in front of it, walk into the marker to make sure it's for sale.
  • Type /building to see the price, the class, and the garage slots of the house.
  • Type /buyproperty to purchase the house.

Congratulations on your new house!

Example of For Sale House
/building Example

Selling the property

  • Important notes before selling a property:
    • Make sure you have removed all the items, wardrobe clothes, and money from the house before selling!
    • Make sure you have removed your vehicles from the garage otherwise the vehicles will be sent automatically to LSPD Impound.
  • Instructions:
    • Stand on the marker of your property.
    • Type /sellproperty to sell the house to state. You will receive the value back.

Selling the property to another player

  • Important notes before transferring the property:
    • Make sure you have removed all the items, wardrobe clothes, and money from the house before selling!
    • Make sure you have removed your vehicles from the garage otherwise the vehicles will be sent automatically to LSPD Impound.
    • You will NOT receive the price back, make sure the player has traded the property's price to you!
  • Instructions:
    • Stand near your house.
    • Type /sellproperty [playerid].
    • Your property is now transferred to the inventory of the other player. You will not receive any money back.

Setting/Unsetting the house for rent

  • You can set any owned house for rent in which players can rent them for a certain amount of money which will be paid automatically once per week. The maximum rent price is 30, 000$
    • /setrent [amount] To set the property for rent with the amount you want.
    • /setrent To stop renting the house.

Renting a house

  • Find a house placed for rent and type /building to see the rent price and garage slots.
  • /rent To start renting the house.
  • /stoprent To stop renting the house.
    • Rent money will be deducted from your inventory every week. (7 days.)
    • If you don’t have the rent money, you will be evicted automatically.

House Inventory

  • /property To access the house inventory.
    • Wardrobe: To save your current skin or load another stored skin.
    • Items: To store or load money, guns, weed, and any other portable item.
    • Garage: To store your vehicle. (It must be parked near the house) or load a vehicle from the garage.
    • Invites: To invite people to your house or remove an already invited one.
    • Change Name: To change the name of the house. Only the owner can do that.
    • Change Lock: To lock or unlock your house. (Invited people will be able to access the house still)
    • Interior: To review a list of the available interiors for the house. You can review the interiors before setting it.

Inviting Players to your house

  • You can invite players to your house. Each class type has a maximum limit of invitation. A table below will elaborate more.
  • /property Type it at your house to display a GUI. Choose Invites then invite the player you want.
    • Make sure you type his name correctly including upper or lower case letters.
    • You can invite OFFLINE players to your house without any problem.

  • Invited Players:
    • Can withdraw or deposit money into the house.
    • Can load or store money into the house.
    • Can load or store skin into the house wardrobe.
    • Can load or store vehicles into the house garage. ((Vehicle will be sent back to the house once the player disconnects.))
    • Can lock/unlock the house.
    • Can enter the house even if the owner locked it.
    • Can NOT change the house name.
    • Can NOT invite other players to the house.
    • Can NOT view the invited list of players to the house.
    • Can NOT change the house interior.

Houses Classes

Houses Classes Capacity
Portable Items Wardrobe Money Capacity Invited Friends
Low Class Up to 15 items. Up to 5 skins. Up to 60,000$ Up to 5 Friends.
Medium Class Up to 20 items. Up to 8 skins. Up to 120,000$ Up to 12 Friends.
High Class Up to 30 items. Up to 12 skins. Up to 180,000$ Up to 22 Friends.
Garages 0 0 0 Up to 10 Friends.


  • Houses and businesses may have garage slots where you can load and/or store your personnel vehicles only. There are also separate garages that work as garages only.
    • /garage To display a GUI with different options to be able to store, load, or swap your vehicle with another one inside the house.
      • Load To load the selected vehicle.
      • Store To store the vehicle parked outside at the "garage position".
      • Swap To exchange the parked vehicle outside with the selected vehicle in the garage.
    • /garagepos To show you the position where you have to park your vehicle to have it stored in the garage.
    • /garagemode [all/personnel] To change the mode of the garage. If it's all, then everyone invited to the garage/house can access all vehicles inside it. If it's personnel, then invited people can only access their own vehicles.

  • What happens to the vehicle after I leave the game or crash?
    • If you own the vehicle:
      • It will spawn at the last position you left it once you log in.
    • If you don't own the vehicle:
      • It will go back to the garage where it was loaded.