VC:MP Commands
This pages list commands found in the current VC:MP scripts.
Default Commands
- /setconfig - You can make changes to your VC:MP config with that command.
- /listconfig - Lists all values set within your VC:MP Config.
- /getconfig - Gives you the value of a particular attribute in your VC:MP Config.
- /recordkey - Gives you a number of a key you press to properly modify your VC:MP keybinds such as Console, Passenger key.
Help Commands
- /help - Display a list of help commands.
- /commands - Display a list of command list commands.
- /rules - Display the rules of Argonath RPG VC:MP.
- /rpghelp - Display general information about the RPG gamemode.
- /civilianhelp - Display general information about the civilian playstyle.
- /criminalhelp - Display general information about the criminal playstyle.
- /propertyhelp - Display general information about properties.
- /vehiclehelp - Display general information about vehicles.
- /fishinghelp - Display general information about harpooning.
- /drughelp - Display general information about drugs.
- /smugglehelp - Display general information about smuggling.
- /carthiefhelp - Display general information about smuggling vehicles.
- /jobhelp - Display general information about jobs.
- /cophelp - Display general information about the Police job.
- /medichelp - Display general information about the Paramedic job.
- /garbagehelp - Display general information about the Garbage Collector job.
- /pizzahelp - Display general information about the Pizza Deliveryman job.
- /truckerhelp - Display general information about Trucker job.
- /taxihelp - Display general information about the Taxi job.
- /accountcmds - Display a list of account-related commands.
- /animcmds - Display a list of animation/sound-related commands.
- /bizcmds - Display a list of business-related commands.
- /moneycmds - Display a list of money-related commands.
- /basiccmds - Display a list of basic commands.
- /copcmds - Display a list of police-related commands.
- /mediccmds - Display a list of paramedic-related commands
- /emcmds - Display a list of EMS-related commands.
- /hotelcmds - Display a list of hotel-related commands.
- /warehousecmds - Display a list of warehouse-related commands.
- /inventcmds - Display a list of inventory-related commands.
- /propcmds - Display a list of property-related commands.
- /misccmds - Display a list of miscellaneous commands.
- /carcmds - Display a list of vehicle-related commands.
- /drugcmds - Display a list of drug-related commands.
Account Commands
- /register <password> - Register your account on the server.
- /login <password> - Used to log in on the server.
- /logout - Used to log out from the server.
- /autologin <enable/disable> - Enable or disable autologin.
- /changepass <new password> - Change your password. Requires permission from a Manager or above ( level 5 ).
Basic Commands
- /l <message> - Local chat.
- /w <message> - Quiet whisper that only the person closest to you can hear (required to be very close).
- /s <message> - Shout in local area, increased range from local chat.
- /me <description of action> - Describe an action performed by your character.
- /em <description of action> - Describe the environment or the outcome of an action.
- /911 <emergency> - Send an emergency message to the Emergency Services.
- /taxi - Call a taxi to your location.
- /ad <advertisement> - Make a server-wide advertisement of whatever you decide to advertise.
- /admins - Display the currently online admins.
- /speed <ID> - Display a player's current speed.
- /dis <ID> - Display the distance between you and a player.
- /alt <ID> - Display the altitude of another player.
- /time - Display the server time.
- /count - Initiate a countdown.
- /area <ID> - Display a player's area.
- /car <ID> - Display a player's vehicle.
- /hp <ID> - Display a player's current amount of health.
- /armor <ID> - Display a player's current amount of armor.
- /report <ID> - Report a player to the administration team for rulebreaking.
- /scripts - Display information about the server's development team.
- /web - Display a URL to the Argonath RPG main forum.
- /arpd - Display a URL to the Argonath RPG Police Department forum.
- /crimson - Display a serverwide message telling players that deathmatching is not allowed.
- /discord - Display information about Argonath RPG VC:MP's Discord server.
- /english - Display a serverwide message telling players that English must be spoken in the mainchat.
- /status <ID> - Display a player's current status.
- /away - Change your status to Away.
- /back - Change your status to Online.
- /who <1-12> - Display a list of players in a certain area.
- /whocar <vehicle model/ID> - Display a list of players inside a certain vehicle.
- /suicide - Commit suicide.
Animation & Sound Commands
- /addanim <keyword> <group ID> <animation ID> - Save an animation in your animation list. Group/animation IDs can be found here.
- /myanims - Display your animation list.
- /remanim <keyword> - Remove an animation from your animation list.
- /anim <group ID> <animation ID> - Perform an animation.
- /addsound <keyword> <sound ID> - Add a sound to your sound list. Sound IDs can be found here.
- /mysounds - Display your sound list.
- /remsound <keyword> - Remove a sound from your sound list.
- /sound <sound ID> - Perform a sound.
- /do <keyword> - Perform a saved animation/sound.
Business Commands
- /buy - Opens to the shop interface.
- /additem <price> <item name> - Add an item to your business, which should always be related to the type of your business.
- /remitem <ID> - Remove the item with the ID you specified in your business.
- /buystock <stock amount> - Order stock for your business.
- /stock - Display the amount of stock remaining in your business.
- /income - Withdraw the profits your business has made.
- /deliver - Deliver stock to a business ( for truckers only ).
Money Commands
- /cash - Display your current amount of cash, in-hand and in the bank.
- /deposit <amount> - Deposit an amount of cash in your bank ( Must be inside El Banco Corrupto Grande to use ).
- /withdraw <amount> - Withdraw an amount of cash from your bank ( Must be inside El Banco Corrupto Grande to use ).
- /send <amount> <ID> - Send an amount of in-hand cash to a player.
- /wire <amount> <ID> - Send an amount of bank cash to another player's bank account ( Must be inside El Banco Corrupto Grande to use ).
Police Commands
- /pdrank <ID> - Display a player's ARPD/FBI/SWAT ranks.
- /sus(pect) <ID> <reason> - Issue an arrest warrant for a player. Should only be used for valid crimes.
- /wanted - Display the current wanted player list.
- /sur - Ask a player to surrender through the megaphone as a cop, or used to surrender to law enforcement as a criminal.
- /crime <ID> - Display the reason behind a player's arrest warrant.
- /duty <VCPD/SWAT/FBI> - Switch between police duties.
- /pull <ID> - Ask a player within range via megaphone to pull his vehicle over.
- /bu <ID> - Send a backup call to all the other cops.
- /plantwire <ID> - Plant a wire in an area, a vehicle or on another player. Only usable by players with FBI rights.
- /remwire - Remove any planted wires. Only usable by players with FBI rights.
- /plantcctv <ID> - Plant a CCTV facing the direction of the specified player. Only usable by players with FBI rights.
- /cctv - Toggle the view of the CCTV camera. Can only be used from a police station or from an FBI Rancher by players with FBI rights.
- /gears - Display the available SWAT gears. Only usable by players with SWAT rights.
- /gear <0-6> - Switch to the specified SWAT gear. Only usable by players with SWAT rights.
- /impound - Impound a vehicle. Only usable by players with ARPD rights.
- /unimpound - Unimpound a vehicle. Only usable by players with ARPD rights.
- /scrapcar - Scrap an impounded vehicle. Only usable by players with ARPD rights.
- /restock - Replenish ammunition and armor ( Must be at a police station ).
- /jail <ID> - Detain a suspect ( Must be used when the suspect is in one of the jail cells at the Washington Beach Police Department ).
- /confiscate - Confiscate the contents of a briefcase/crate. The contents must then be brought back to the Washington Beach Police Department.
Medic Commands
- /heal <ID> - Send a healing request to a player.
- /medkits - Display the amount of remaining medkits.
- /restock - Replenish medkits ( Must be at a hospital ).
Pizza Delivery Commands
- /billpizza - Send the money earned from delivering pizza to your bank ( must be done inside a pizzeria ).
Garbage Collector Commands
- /dumptrash - Send the money earned for collecting trash with the Trashmaster to your bank ( must be done at the Junkyard near Little Haiti ).
Emergency Service Commands
- /m <message> - Sends a local message through the megaphone, increased range from shout.
- /r <message> - Sends a message through the radio.
Hotel Commands
- /addguest <ID> - Rent a hotel room to a player. Payment is not forced by script.
- /remguest <ID> - Remove a player from the guest list.
- /guests - Display the guest list.
Warehouse Commands
- /addtenant <ID> - Add a tenant to your warehouse.
- /remtenant <ID> - Remove a tenant from your warehouse.
- /tenants - Display the tenant list.
Inventory Commands
- /invent - Display your inventory.
- /call <ID> - Call a player ( requires a Phone ).
- /c <message> - Send a message in the call.
- /hangup - Close the current call.
- /cb <frequency/message> - Connect to a CB Radio frequency/Sends a message in the CB Radio ( requires a CB Radio ).
- /gps <property ID> - Display the distance between you and a specified property.
Property Commands
- /place <property ID> - Display information about a property.
- /buyplace - Purchase the property in which the player is located.
- /dumpplace - Dump the property with 20% payback for the property's original price.
- /sellplace <ID> - Transfer ownership of a property to another player. Payment is not forced by script.
- /lockprop - Lock/unlock your property.
- /sharekey <ID> - Give another player access to your property's storage and wardrobe.
- /remkey <ID> - Remove another player's access from your property's storage and wardrobe.
- /getkeys - Display a list of players with access to your property.
- /wardrobe - Prompt you to the wardrobe interface.
- /remclothes <ID> - Remove a skin from your wardrobe.
- /getstorage - Display the items stored in a property.
- /take <item> <amount> - Take an item from a property with a specified amount.
Miscellaneous Commands
- /stats <civilian/cop/criminal> - Display your statistics in certain categories.
- /toggleheat - Toggle the heat bar displayed below the screen on/off.
- /accept - Accept a prompt from another player ( heal, frisk, give, etc. ).
- /reject - Reject a prompt from another player ( heal, frisk, give, etc. ).
- /pick <item> <amount> - Retrieve the items from a briefcase/crate.
- /addpack <item> <amount> - Add an item to your pack with a specified amount.
- /resetpack - Reset your current pack.
- /pack - Display the current items in your pack.
- /drop - Drop a briefcase containing your pack items ( requires a Briefcase ).
- /stash - Drop a crate containing your pack items ( requires a Crate ).
- /give <ID> - Offer your pack to another player.
- /store - Store the items from your pack in a property.
- /avail <codetext> - Use a discount code.
- /mydeals - Display your earned discount codes.
- /rolldice - Generate a number between 1 and 6.
Vehicle Commands
- /buycar - Open to the vehicle showroom menu. Must be in a vehicle showroom with a wealth of atleast $45.000.
- /sellcar <ID> - Sell your vehicle to another player. Payment is not forced by script.
- /dumpcar - Dump your vehicle with 10% payback for the vehicle's original price.
- /parkcar - Change your vehicle's respawn location to the current vehicle's location.
- /lock - Lock your vehicle. Note that it can still be accessed by other players when you are offline.
- /lights - Turn your vehicle's headlights on/off.
Drug Commands
- /growweed <number of seeds> - Plant one or multiple weed seeds. They can be planted separately ( in pots ) or in special areas ( in bulk ).
- /harvest - Harvest weed.
- /use <item> - Use a drug item ( weed, cocaine, etc. )
- /ordercocaine <cartel number> - Order cocaine from a cartel.
- /orderheroin <cartel number> - Order heroin from a cartel.
- /selldrugs <drug> <amount> - Sell drugs at the drug market in Phil's Place.
- /cartels - Display your current cartel contracts.
Scripted Event Commands
- /smuggle - Begin a smuggle voyage ( requires a smuggling team of at least three players ).
- /addsmuggle <ID> - Add players to your smuggling team.
- /heist - Display information about the Heist event.
- /addheist <ID> - Add a player to your heist team.
- /minimission - Display information about the current mini-mission.
- /pickcrate - Pick up the crate from the Washed Up or the Pirate's Treasure mini-missions. Requires 2 players.
- /unloadtruck <explode/lockpick> - Unload the Securicar bearer bonds in the Armored Truck mini-mission. Requires 2 players and can only be used behind El Banco Corrupto Grande, Little Havana ( for cops ) and at the 8-Ball Garage, Vice Port ( for criminals ). The first option can only be used if you have 4 explosives in your inventory.
- /robjewelshop - Start the Diamond Heist mini-mission.