V:MP Retailers
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- Note that a passport is required to own a business.
- It is recommended to purchase/own a GPS if you want to pick up your own cargos.
- Note that this guide is written with the assumption that you have basic knowledge of V:MP Businesses.
- Buying stock will always create cargo that has to be delivered.
Buying stock
- Walk into the blue business marker.
- Make sure your business has got money stored in it. You can use /bizmoney deposit [amount] to do so.
- Type /buystock to see a list of V:MP Wholesalers you can buy from.
- 40: Goods Warehouse
- Burger: $30, Pizza: $30, Meal: $30, Donuts: $15, Fries: $10
- Type /buystock [business ID] [item] [amount]
- Example: /buystock 40 Burger 20.
- This will order 20 burgers for the price of $600.
Business cargos
- Walk into the blue business marker.
- Type /bizcargos to see what is ordered and needs to be delivered.
- Cargo 6 (20 Burger, 20 kg) from Goods Warehouse
- Cargo 6 (20 Burger, 20 kg) from Goods Warehouse
- Remember the cargo ID (6) or write it down.
- Drive to the wholesaler (you can use /gps) with your own truck (not a state vehicle) and park your vehicle near the business marker.
- If you do not own a truck, buy one, rent one from another citizen or hire a carrier as described below.
- Type /pickcargo [cargo ID] to load it into your vehicle.
- Drive back to your own business and type /deliver.
- Use /setprice after delivering, otherwise the new item won't be available for sale.
Hiring a carrier
- Note that once a carrier is hired, they have 24 hours to deliver your cargo. If not, the contract will expire.
- Note that you won't be able to deliver the cargo yourself after hiring a carrier.
- Walk into the blue business marker.
- Type /hirecarrier to see a list of all available carriers.
- 5: YUPS: $30 per 100 meters, distance: 1.05km
- 5: YUPS: $30 per 100 meters, distance: 1.05km
- Type /hirecarrier [business ID] [cargo ID]
- Example: /hirecarrier 5 6 (this will hire YUPS to deliver the burgers to your business).
Gas Stations
- Note that maintaining a gas station is a little bit different.
- You gain money when someone fills up their vehicle and when someone buys beverage at your gas station.
- The fuel price you see when buying stock goes per 10 units. One vehicle has room for 100 units of fuel.