V:MP Jobs

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Police Officer

  • Discription

A policeman's job is a quite hard one but it can be easy and fun! It is not profitable too much unless you are an official LSPD member where you can receive salaries from time to time. A policeman's job gives you a lot of experience as well as creative roleplay scenarios. As a police officer, your duties and responsibilities are:

  1. Enforce the laws to all citizens of San Andreas City.
  2. Help and assist civilians and other EMS workers to accomplish their duties easier.
  3. Treat everyone friendly and create an enjoyable and fun roleplay environment.

  • Law Enforcement Rules: (Stated in RULES section)
  1. Do not suspect for rule-breakers, use /report instead.
  2. Do not abuse /suspect command without a valid law break.
  3. Cops may use the weapons granted by scripts only.
  4. Do not shoot suspects that offer no resistance.

  • Requirements (Only one is enough!):
    • Complete a police training given by LSPD personnel (Dark Blue Cops)
    • Have a registered and legal passport

  • Commands
    • /duty: To join the police duty, you must be near one of the police stations.
    • /equip: To equip yourself with the standard police weapons. (Combat-Pistol, Heavy-Pistol, Pump-Shotgun, flashlight, and nightstick)
    • /heal: To heal yourself at the police station.
    • /fixvehicle: To fix your cruiser at the police station.
    • /fillup or press SHIFT: To fill up your cruiser. You must be at a gas station. (For free)
    • /m [1 / 2 /3]: To be used in police cruisers to say standard megaphone sentences.
    • /m [text]:To speak in the megaphone. You must be inside the cruiser.
    • /speed [PlayerID]: To track the speed of the player.
    • /crime [playerID]: To see the reason for the suspicion.
    • /gued [PlayerID]: To see if the suspect has surrendered or not.
    • /rank [playerID]: To see the rank of another cop.
    • /r or /radio: To speak in the police radio with other officers on-duty.
    • /e or /emergency: To speak with firefighters and medics.
    • /su [playerID] [reason]:To suspect a player for a law break reason.
    • /cuff [PlayerID]: To cuff a suspect who surrendered. (Suspects can surrender by /gu)
    • /jail [playerID]: To jail the suspect at the police station. He must be cuffed and surrendered.
    • /harvest: To destroy a weed plant. You must be near it.


  • Requirements
    • None

  • Basic description
    • As a member of the Los Santos Fire Department you run to rescue civilians in need of help. These can be scripted missions, such as a helicopter crash, fire with explosions, and other roleplay scenes. You are also able to roleplay a fireman outside of scripted missions.

  • Scripted Missions
    • Missions depend on the online firefighters. Mission details appear in a dispatch message when one is up. The mission location will appear in a red dot on your map. Your job is to put out the fire by passing to the yellow markers in the mission. Be careful, all missions have explosions everywhere. If you die, you will respawn on the first spot or last yellow marker check. You can check Fireman Missions Tutorial topic made by one of the dedicated players.

  • Usefull job commands
    • /fireman: To join firefighter duty at one of the fire stations.
    • /uniform: To display a GUI to select your firefighter skin and your skin accessories.
    • /fixvehicle: To fix your fire truck at the hospital for free.
    • /fillup: To fill up your fire truck at the gas station for free.

  • Official LSFD Staff


  • Requirements
    • None

  • Basic description
    • As a medic you take care of patients in Los Santos and the county that have serious injuries. This job is based on two main points; roleplay and scripted missions. Players can heal from a medic if he is inside an EMS without the need of first-aid kits. However, if the medic is on foot, then he should equip himself with fire-aid kits in order to heal other players. Healing from a medic can give you a 10% armor.

  • Scripted Missions
    • Missions come depending on the online medics and firefighters. Once the mission comes, a dispatch message will appear and a red DOT in your map will appear for the mission location. In missions, your job is to transport patients to the hospital as soon as you can. Draw texts appear on the mission to guide you to accomplish the mission.

  • Usefull job commands
    • /medic: To join the medic duty at one of the hospitals.
    • /heal [MedicID]: Used by the player to heal himself from the medic.
    • /uniform: To display a GUI to select your medic skin and your skin accessories.
    • /fixvehicle: To fix your EMS vehicle at the hospital for free.
    • /fillup: To fill up your EMS vehicle at the gas station for free.
    • /equip: To equip yourself first aid kits to heal other players.


  • Requirements
    • Decent amount of money

  • Basic description
    • As a criminal, you have a goal to achieve but you do so in illegal ways. Should it be collecting money and being rich, hunting for power, or whatever the style of the criminal you wish to be. You can roleplay whatever you want as a criminal in any kind of illegal way. The server offers you a few features to help you get through the trip such as Drug systems, smuggling, and robberies! There are more, but this guide will not include everything about the crime world, you have to work to figure the rest details once you get into the business. Always remember, the scripts aren't limits to your imagination! You can roleplay a lot of different things like a criminal without being tied by scripts!

  • Drug System
    • The drug system is pretty much simple but yet a competitive one. There are around 7-8 weed fields around the map, in order to produce drugs, you have to buy seeds from drug stores/pharmacies (Use /gps to locate a drugstore/pharmacy) and grow them at one of the weed fields using the /grow command. It takes around four minutes to grow up completely that's when you can harvest the plant using the /harvest command. We will give you two weed fields which can be a start for your business. However, if you wish to know more weed fields, you need to either figure them out yourself or ask another criminal to guide you in roleplay or out of roleplay. Here are few notes to take into consideration before you get into this business:
      • Each plant takes four minutes to grow fully for the one planted it. While it takes five minutes for anyone trying to steal it.
      • You can only grow one seed in the field. You may use multiple fields at the same time to grow faster.
      • Watch out for cops, planting weed is illegal!
      • Each one seed gives you 20 cannabis.
      • You can sell cannabis to players or through the black market (see below).
    • Weed Fields
      • Weed fields: Paleto Bay, Red Wood Lights Track, Grapeseed, Tongva Hills, and Great Chapparal.
      • There are other weed fields, you need to work your own way to figure them out either by searching or asking other criminals!
Examples of Weed Fields' locations

  • Black Market
    • You can work in the black market (NPCs) by finishing the tasks given to you from each NPC. Currently, we have two NPCs. You have to unlock the first NPC in order to unlock the second one. There are more opportunities for businesses and jobs to do once you go deeper with the black-market job.
      • The first NPC can be found at Piero Pair Beach.
        Black-Market First NPC Postion
      • The second NPC can be either figured out or you can ask other criminals to guide you to it.

  • Robbery
    • Robberies are about stealing valuable items from houses, businesses, or several other places. Robberies are two types of solo robberies and dual robberies. Solo requires only one player, dual requires two players together.
    • We will not give you full information about how does this system work, you will have to figure that out by completing Blackmarket tasks and unlocking the second NPC!

  • General Commands
    • /grow: To grow weed-seeds at the scripted weed fields.
    • /harvest: To harvest weed-seeds at the scripted weed fields.

Truck Driver

  • Requirements
    • None

  • Basic description
    • As a truck driver you are hired as an employee that drives goods throughout the city. These are scripted goods and are not real goods as described in the V:MP Businesses guide.

  • Delivering Cargos
    • Once you go to one of the Cargo Delivery Companies, you can find state trucks around the company garage where you can borrow one of them to start the job. Drive with the truck to the red marker at the Cargo Station where a GUI will show you the available list of goods to deliver and where to. Each cargo has a specific weight, you can take multiple delivery orders, that depends on the capacity of your truck! After loading cargos into your truck, dots in your map will appear which represents your cargo deliveries destinations. This job doesn't require any command to use, everything is done automatically once you arrive at the destination!

  • Usefull job commands
    • /cargo: To see the details of the cargos that the truck is carrying.
    • /purchaseinfo: To see the details of your truck including the weight capacity.


  • Requirements
    • None

  • Basic description
    • Mechanic job is really fun if you have the experience and the motivation to roleplay it. You can roleplay in different mechanic styles; either a mobile mechanic service or a static service (by acquiring one of the LS Mechanic Workshops). There are also scripted missions for the mechanic job which can earn you easy money and progress through the server! Players are able to fix their vehicle or fillup from you if you are inside a tow-truck vehicle without the need for gas cans. However, if you are on foot, you should equip yourself with gas cans to fill others' vehicle fuel.

  • Scripted Missions
    • The mission of the mechanic is to tow damaged vehicles from the city.
    • Go to the green wrench 🛠 marker in your map, walk into the white marker to get on mechanic duty.
    • Take a tow truck from the garage, drive to the markers in your minimap.
    • Tow the vehicles back to the red circle at the workshop place.

  • Usefull job commands
    • /mechanic: To join mechanic duty.
    • /equip: To equip yourself with gas cans which can be used to fill up other players’ vehicles.
    • /fixvehicle [MechanicID]: Used by the player to fix his vehicle from the mechanic.
    • /towvehicle [model] [mechanicID]: Used by the player to tow his vehicle to LSPD impound from the mechanic.
    • /fillup [MechanicID]: Used by the player to fill up his vehicle from the mechanic.
    • /wash [MechanicID]: Used by the players to wash their vehicles. ((Currently disabled))


  • Requirements
    • State, owned or rented Dinghy boat.

  • Basic description
    • As a fisherman you sail out onto the ocean and catch fish to sell at the fish market. The rarer the fish, the more you gain. There is state Dinghy around the fish market where you can borrow one of them to sail.

  • Fishing
    • Grab a state, owned or rented Dinghy boat - mostly state boats are there around the fish-market. Once you are inside a Dinghy boat, the fishing script will be enabled automatically where three yellow dots will appear on your map. The three yellow dots are the fishing area where you can go there and start fishing. You have a limited number of fish baits, once you are out of baits, a red dot will appear in your map which determines the destination of the fish market. Go there and the items will be sold automatically.

Newspaper delivery

  • Requirements
    • Scripted PCJ-600

  • Basic description
    • As a newspaper delivery person you hop on PCJ-600's that are owned by the company, fill up your PCJ and drive to owned properties throughout the city to deliver their newspapers.

  • Delivering newspapers
    • Grab a state, owned or rented PCJ-600 bike - state PCJ-600 can be found at the newspaper company spots. Once you are in a PCJ-600, go to the red marker at the newspaper company garage to equip yourself automatically with the newspapers. After that, few yellow dots will appear where you should deliver the newspapers to. You don't need to use any command, everything is done automatically by script!

Pilot Job

  • Requirements:
    • None

  • Description
    • As a Bush Pilot your job is to deliver cargos to unusual locations, we don't recommend this job for players with low flying experience. Safety is more productive than speed. The more cargos you deliver, the more skills you acquire, and the more money you earn by that.

  • Skills Progression
    • The following list shows which aircraft fits for the job depending on your skills progress:
  1. Dodo [0 - 20]
  2. Mammatus [20 - 50]
  3. Velum [50 - 120]
  4. Cuban800 [70 - 150]
  5. More to be added

  • How to deliver the cargo?
  1. Go to the airport rentals through /gps and rent the suitable aircraft depending on the above skills progression list.
  2. Fill-up your aircraft (Rented aircraft/vehicles spawn with half fuel ⛽)!
  3. Go to the red marker (The cargo loading spot) at the airport and load up the cargo.
    Airport Cargo Loading Bay
  4. Start flying to the yellow dots in your map and land safely to each dot. You must be stationary in order to deliver the cargo!
  5. After delivering the cargos to the three different yellow dots, fly back to the airport to the cargo's loading spot to collect your reward!

  • Renting and Ownership Bonus
    • Using a rented aircraft in this job can give you 16% of the rent price as a bonus per each mission. You need to deliver 6x Cargos in order to get full compensation for the rent price!
    • Using an owned aircraft will return with 10% of the rent price as a bonus per each mission.


  • Requirements
    • 1 Pilot with skill 70+ and 1 passenger with "Respect" level 2.
    • Cuban800

  • Description
    • Smuggling is an illegal act, you have to be careful with doing this job! This job doesn't target the new players as it requires a high level of pilot skills and in "Respect" levels. You have to pick the product from random locations and deliver it to landing zones where your criminal partners should be waiting for you with a gateway vehicle.

  • How to do the smuggle?
  1. Start with both players (Pilot with 70+ skills and passenger with Respect Level 2) in a Cuban800.
  2. Load Cargos from the airport loading Bay and deliver the cargos to their destinations!
  3. Pick up the smuggled products and deliver them to the landing zone destination.
  4. Make sure your partners are waiting for you at the landing zone with a gateway vehicle!

  • Important Notes:
    • Smuggling is illegal, so you and your passenger in the plane will be suspected automatically by the server for smuggling!
    • Don't escape in the aircraft! It's not allowed to evade in aircraft, so make sure you have a gateway vehicle at the landing zone!