SA-MP Script Commands

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This page might be outdated and is currently being updated to the RS5.2 version of the SA-MP server script. Contents of this page may not correctly represent the actual behavior and presence of the scripts, nor the state of things in the game.

This list contains the majority of the current SA-MP commands.

Note any script abuse or misuse of any of the following commands results in severe punishment carried out by the admin team.

Account Commands

  • /changename <new name> - Allows you to change your name. Costs $10,000 unless you are joining or leaving a group/family/clan,in which case you must contact an admin for a free name change (conditions apply). You have to be in front of a city hall's reception desk.
  • /settings - Gets you to a menu who allows you to change change your password by pressing enter above it, allows to disable or enable your Country, creation date, punishments, connection messages, business map icons and allow/disallow friends.

General Commands

Some of the following info can be found in game by typing /help > general > Essential Commands .

  • /help - Shows a list of available essentials.
  • /admins - Displays a list of online administrators and moderators.
  • /helpers - Displays a list of online helpers.
  • /PM <id/part of name> <text> - Allows you to send a private message to someone on the server.
  • /P(public chat) - Allows you to talk to the public chat which the whole server can see.
  • /L(local) - Allows you to talk to people who are near you in game.
  • /S(shouts) - Allows you to shout to people near you in game.
  • /W(whisper) - Allows you to whisper to people who are very close to you in game.
  • /LW(local whisper) - Allows you to whisper to a big amount of people who are very close to you in game.
  • /CB - Allows you to talk in civilian band radio.
  • /chatmode <CB/public/local/radio> - Allows you to set your default chat to a certain chat, in example CB radio.
  • /me <text> - Helps you role-play an action.
  • /ad(avertisement) - Allows you to place a advertisement (costs 200$). To see the list of colors you can use, type /ad without any parameters.
  • /give <id> <object> <amount> - Gives something to a nearby player. Can be used to give both scripted and role-play items.
  • /use - Uses a scripted object for you. In example, /use mashed potatoes.
  • /kill - Used to commit suicide. Disabled when you are wanted.
  • /invent - Displays your inventory.
  • /area <id> - Shows location of the selected player.
  • /thawme or /whyfrozen - Used to unfreeze your character if bugged after spawning.
  • /helpmeup - Used to lift you up if you are bugged on the ground.
  • /togglepchat - Used to disable the public chat.
  • /support - Used to open a support ticket to the administration online.
  • /help - Used to open a help ticket to the helpers online.
  • Note: - /helpmeup is used to lift you up if you are bugged abusing this command it's against the rules.

- /kill, using this command to teleport to another location or avoid roleplay it's against the rules.

- /support and /help can get you punished if you spam/abuse or make a fake report is also against the rules.

Vehicle Commands

See also: SA-MP List of vehicles, SA-MP Vehicle Colours IDs.
  • /rescue - Requests a rescue lift from other players (/rescues and /abandonrescue).
  • /fixaircraft - Repairs your aircraft at the airport hangars.
  • /repairvehicle - Repairs your vehicle at the PayNSpray. (Engine must be off)
  • /speedo - Allows you to change your speedometer.
  • /sell - Sells your vehicle at any car dealership. Must be inside the car. Returns 55% of previously paid price.
  • /setvehiclespawn - Sets your vehicle to spawn at chosen location, and costs 1000$. Whenever the vehicle spawns or respawns, it will spawn at the chosen location.
  • /prevcolor <color> <color> - Temporarily paints your vehicle for preview. May be done at any car dealership, and is free. Must be inside your vehicle.
  • /buycolor <color> <color> - Permanently paints your vehicle. Must be inside any vehicle. It costs you 300$
  • /carlights - Turns on/off your vehicle's headlights.
  • /carlock - Locks or unlocks your owned car. If locked, no one else will able to drive it. Owner must be inside the car in order to lock.
  • /buyplate <text> - Allows you to set your own vehicle's plate number. It costs 1000$ with additional 2000$ fee for each color used.
  • /fillup - Fills up your car with fuel at a gas station. Costs $1 per unit - $100 to fully fill up a civilian vehicle. Must be inside the chosen vehicle to fill it up.
  • /filljerrycan - Allows you to fill up your gas can at a gas station. Capacity - 10 units.
  • /usejerrycan - Allows you to use your jerrycan which has fuel in it in your vehicle's engine. It adds 10 units.
  • /heydude list/remove - Displays a marker on map, is used for finding your own vehicles.
  • /getin - Allows you to enter the passenger seats in boats, planes and specific vehicles.
  • /getout - Allows you to exit the passenger seats in boats, planes and specific vehicles. - You can use your RETURN key (Enter) too.
  • /detach - Allows you to detach the trailer you are towing. Must be in a truck with an attached trailer.
  • /boot or /trunk - Used to open or close your vehicle's boot/trunk.
  • /bonnet or /hood - Used to open or close your vehicle's bonnet/hood. (same as above)
  • /engine - Used to turn the vehicles engine on/off.

Animation Commands

The following info can be found in game by typing /animhelp.

Money Commands

See also: SA-MP ATMs
  • /send <id> <amount> - Sends cash to the chosen player. Must be near the player you are sending money to.
  • /deposit <amount> - Deposits chosen amount to your bank account. Works in banks and next to ATM's.
  • /withdraw <amount> - Withdraws chosen amount from your bank account. Works in banks and next to ATM's.
  • /balance - Can be used to check your bank balance in banks or near to ATM's
  • /mobilebank - Used to check your phone mobile banking account at anywhere on the map.
  • Note: You can't withdraw or deposit money using your /mobilebank.

Police Commands

See also: SA-MP Scripted Jobs

The following info can be found in game by typing /cophelp.

  • /crime [ID] - Allows you to see a suspect's crime.
  • /duty - Allows you to go on or off police duty behind FBI Ranchers and Enforcer (for certain groups).
  • /su <id> <reason> - Suspects a civilian making him or her a criminal.
  • /cuff <id> - Cuffs a surrendered criminal.
  • /jail <id> <15-200> - Jails a suspect, both must be inside a police department.
  • /m(egaphone) <text> - Megaphone for emergency vehicles.
  • /r(adio) <text> - Radio for communication between policemen
  • /e <text> - Radio for communicating with members of other emergency services.
  • /mir - Reads out the Miranda Rights.
  • /speed [ID] - Displays the speed of a certain citizen. Must be a front passenger in a police vehicle.
  • /rank [ID] - Displays your own rank or someone else's.
  • Chat binds: /s1, /s2, /s3, /m1, /m2, /m3, /m(egaphone) [text]
  • /siren: - Adds a flashing light to SAPD vehicles which are unmarked. (SAPD Buffalo & Sand King)
  • /weaponequip ID weapon amount: - Allows officers to get equipment from armoury, FBI Ranchers, FBI Truck, Enforcer. (Must be with certain rank)

Criminal Commands

  • /crime [ID] - Is used to check a suspect's crime.
  • /gu - If wanted, helps you to surrender. Note, that trying to escape after using /gu results in admin punishment.
  • /rhl - If wanted, displays for how long you must run to evade police and lose the wanted level.
  • /notoriety - Used to check how much notoriety level you have (goes from 1 to 10).
  • /removenoto - If you want to remove your notoriety you have to go inside of LSPD desk and /removenoto.

Drug Commands

See also: SA-MP Drugs Guide.


  • /use cannabis seeds - Plants a weed seed. Must be at a weed field with a seed (or more) in inventory.
  • /harvestweed - Harvests grown weed. You will see a grown plant when the weed is ready. When you see it, you may use this command to harvest the weed (the planted seeds grow after 2 hours).


  • /orderheroin - Orders heroin. Must be at a drug drop spot. Costs: $500.
  • /collectheroin - After the package has been delivered, a message about it arrival will appear and you will be able to gather it using /collectheroin.


  • /use meth equipment - - Used to install meth equipment in your vehicle, must be in an Journey.
  • /producemeth - Used to begin the meth cooking process, must be in an Journey with meth equipment installed.
  • /use lithium/redphosphorus - Used on this specific order to create meth.
  • /collectmeth - Used to collectmeth after a batch is done.

Property Commands

See also: SA-MP Properties, SA-MP Property Naming Information.
  • H - Enters a property and you enter a interior. Must be standing at the entrance sign of the property.
  • H - Leaves the interior of the property you entered.
  • /exit - Leaves the interior of the property you entered.
  • /purchase - Allows you to buy the property. Must be standing at the entrance. Property must be unowned. Must have a passport.
  • /sell - Allows you to sell a property. Must be standing at the entrance. You must be the owner.
  • /name - Allows you to set your property's name.
  • /lock - Locks your property.
  • /unlock - Unlocks your property.
  • /setentryfee (0-3,000$) - Sets an entrance fee for your property.

Business Customers' Commands

See also: SA-MP Ammu-Nations.
  • /pricelist - Shows a list of available products. Used inside businesses.
  • /buy <amount> <object> - Allows you to buy purchase an object or item available in /pricelist.
  • /buyweapon - Displays weapons available for sale at Ammu-Nations.
  • /pay - Allows you to purchase clothes. Used inside clothes shops, after selecting the skin you like. Navigate through skins using Y and/or N

Job Commands

See also: SA-MP Scripted Jobs.

The following information can also be accessed in game by typing /help jobs.

  • /medic - Used to become a medic. Must be used at a medic changing room, usually in front hospitals.
  • /hooker - Used to become a hooker. Must be used inside a strip club.
  • /driver - Used to become a driver. Must be used at a train stations or an airport.
  • /fireman - Used to go on a fireman duty. Must be inside a fire department's changing room.
  • /duty - Allows you to go on or off police duty. Must be inside a police department's changing room.

Phone Commands

  • /phone - Displays your phone's menu.
  • /call <number> - Allows you to call a number.
  • /pickup - Picks up an incoming call.
  • /rejectcall - Rejects an incoming call.
  • /hangup - Ends a phone call.
  • /getphone <id> - Shows your target's phone number.

General Services

  • 500 - San Andreas Taxi Network
  • 555 - San Andreas Pizza Service
  • 600 - Hitman Network
  • 700 - San Andreas Hitman Service.
  • 800 - Argonath Anonymous Service.
  • 911 - San Andreas Emergency Service.

CB (Citizen Band) Radio Commands

Most of these commands can also be found in game by typing /help CB.

  • /buy 1 cbradio - Used to purchase a CB radio inside electronic stores.
  • /joinchannel <1-10000> - Allows you to join the chosen channel. Channels 0-999 are public and 1000-10000 are private.
  • /cb <text> - Allows you to talk in the CB radio chat.
  • /cbusers - Displays a list of all members present in the current CB radio channel.
  • /cbregister - Allows you to register a channel. Must be an unowned private channel.
  • /cbdelete - Allows you to drop ownership of your previously registered channel.
  • /cblevel <id> <0-4> - Allows you to set a player's radio level. Levels: 0 - none, 1 - user, 2 - moderator, 3 - admin, 4 - owner.
  • /cbentry <text> - Used to set your channel's entry message.
  • /cblock Locks your CB radio channel. Level 0 users are kicked automatically, if present.
  • /cbunlock - Unlocks your CB radio channel. Users of all levels are able to join.
  • /cbkick <id> - Kicks the chosen user from your CB radio channel. Available to channel moderators and higher.
  • /cbban <id> - Bans the chosen user from your CB radio channel. Available to channel administrators and higher.
  • /cbalert <text> - Displays an announcement to every channel user+ who is in the CB channel.
  • /cbcountdown <3-10> - Starts a channel countdown, from 3 to 30 seconds.

GPS Commands

See also: SA-MP GPS Guide.
  • /buy 1 gps - Used to purchase a GPS device inside electronic stores.
  • /gps - Displays your current coordinates.
  • /gpstrack [X] [Y] - Displays information about a coordinate you wish to track.

Argonath Radio Commands

See also: Argonath Radio.
  • /argoradio on|off - Turns the radio stream on or off.
  • /argoradio song [your request] - Sends a song request to the DJ currently operating the radio.
  • /argoradio shout [your shoutout] - Sends a shoutout to the DJ currently operating the radio.
  • /argoradio song - Displays the status of your latest requested song.
  • /argoradio shout - Displays the status of your latest requested shoutout.
  • /argoradio dj - Displays the DJ who is currently operating the radio and if they allow requests or not.
  • /argoradio listeners - Displays the amount of listeners tuned-in.
  • /argoradio track - Displays the track title that is currently being played.